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Latest broken heart quotes for girls and boys 2019

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Don’t talk, just act. Don’...

“ Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove. ”.

Motivational Quotes Azhar Ali 10-Mar-2020

People will always leave your...

“ People will always leave your life and it can be so painful, but those who are meant to stay will always be there. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

The people truly worthy to be...

“ The people truly worthy to be in your life are the ones that help you through hard times, and laugh with you after the hard times pass. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

Respect people who find time ...

“ Respect people who find time for you, but Love people who are always there for you. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

You never have to chase peopl...

“ You never have to chase people down and beg for their loyalty and respect. It's either they're with you or they're not. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

It's not about who is real to...

“ It's not about who is real to your face, it's about who stays real behind your back. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

When fake people walk away fr...

“ When fake people walk away from you, let them walk. It's their choice, your destiny is never tied to anyone who left. You will surely be left with those that adores your company with positive mind. ”.

Friends Quotes Azhar Ali 11-Dec-2019

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